

Aww, Recess, you

racing, chasing rascal  …

You bouncing, passing,

bounce-passing sometimes bully …

You jumping, spinning,

swinging, (social) climbing

whoosh of fresh air …

You winning combination

of sunshine, zombie tag, and

unicorn magic …


You sometimes too-long,

but mostly too-short

shot of sweet freedom . . .


Do you remember

how to hopscotch,

dibs a tetherball,

do a penny drop,

pluck up a handful of jacks,

or call someone over?


Do you know

how much I need

a good story after

time spent with you?


Stella Castella


Thank you all for your impressions and recollections about recess!  For teacher-types and principals, of course (unless they’re on duty), recess is a must-have bathroom and/or sanity-saving silence break.  For those whose headquarters is at or near the office, the bell signals that it’s time to hand out some of those modern post-recess marvels – ice packs. My admiration to you all!