Collection of Canine Eating Adventures

Collection of Canine

Eating Adventures 


Darla chowed a cucumber;

she did it with great zeal.

Watch her on the Internet

as she devours this meal –

the flesh, the seeds, the peel,

the flesh, the seeds, the peel,

the flesh, the seeds, the peel.




Zoey and Mac

have a carrot snack

every afternoon.

She gets the bulk;

he takes the end.

It’s the perfect treat

to share with a friend,

so perfect to share

with a friend.


Lola, little Lola -

did you consume

something wrong?

The result was quite

alarming, so glad

it didn’t last long -

waaay glad

it didn’t last long!


Ahh, but Finn, poor Finn

ate a bit of the couch

not long after

bolting a bone.

Love him still, in

spite of the bill;

but don’t dare to

leave him alone -

sure don’t dare to

leave him alone.


Stella Castella

All dog lovers can probably tell some good stories about food-related adventures and misadventures.  Those who have yet to embrace this lifestyle probably congratulate themselves on their good sense – with excellent reasons, no doubt!