Late Summer Fruits

Late Summer Fruits

Huckleberries, you


wonders –

you make a

supper pancake sing!

How we labor

for every tasty bite.

Your adored,

flat-headed faces

will be missed

for a whole year

(if we are lucky).

Making juice of

backyard grapes

is a very, very

purple business –

the kitchen

a steamy perfumery

of memorable


Sweet peach,

the scent of

your fuzzy self

promises that today

my breakfast chin

will drip

with the pleasure

of your company.


Stella Castella



We often hear people say, “It’s the little things (that make life worthwhile).”  One of those little things, for me, is fresh fruit in summer – especially when I have picked it myself (or know the person who has done so).  What a treat!