Halloween Snapshots
As a babe in a
clever costume,
you might have thought
me the very best thing, ever.
Ears, whiskers, tail, and
appeal of chubby cheeks!
Tiger as a tot,
my painted stripes
were too stiff
and I cried -
too tired to see the
sense of it at all.
Sang a cute song once
about little witches,
my counting fingers
and zooming arm
ready for action.
Heigh ho - no fright zone.
Heard a good story
about clomping shoes
and clapping gloves.
The part where the shirt
scared me a bit – BOO!
I’m quite ready now
for vampire teeth
(and maybe fake blood).
A little SPOOKY
can be a good thing, but
mostly, I’m up for …
Candy, candy, candy!
Wanna get on the floor,
stomach-style, and lay it out?
Rainbow order or
most favorite to least?
Wanna trade? Do you?
Stella Castella